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Publication (editorial) dates and Advert deadlines 2024-2025


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 Publication date::

No. 5, Spring 2025



1. week March 2025

No. 6, Summer 2025



1. week June 2025

No. 7, Autumn 2025



1. week September 2025

No. 8, Winter 2025



1. week December 2025


CVs of some columnists in alphabetical order:
Albrecht Karin (1958) Author of specialised books, international speaker and trainer. Karin Albrecht developed the Antara® movement concept. In the star education school she teaches the topics: Anatomy and movement theory, stretching and mobility, sensorimotor skills, back and posture, Antara®.
She is the author of books and recognised teaching aids such as  «Körperhaltung, modernes Rückentraining», «Stretching und Beweglichkeit – das neue Expertenhandbuch», «Funktionelles Training mit dem grossen Ball», «Walking Stretch», «Intelligentes Bauchmuskeltraining», several relaxation CDs and countless specialist articles for movement and physiotherapy magazines.
Email: krnlbrchtstr-dctnch

Gattiker Sylvia (1956), Studied commercial sciences at Vienna University of Economics and Business. Austrian national champion in artistic gymnastics and Olympic octathlon & uneven bars (1972). Fitness club owner. Speaker & trainer in the fitness sector. Since 2014: Master of Arts in Prevention and Health Promotion, specialising in BGM in old age. Specialist therapist for modern orthomolecular medicine and medical wellness SFGU. Masters of Art in Prevention and Health-Management with focus on BGM and health promotion in old age.
Four times Swiss Champion in Sport-Aerobics, two times Vice-worldchampion in HYROX (Age categorie 60 - 65). Author of the book "Aerobik" and co-author of the book from Charles Eugster "Age is just a number". 9 years the private coach of the oldest fittest man in the world - Ch. Eugster.
Email: sylvgttkrblwnch

Ghenzi Gabriela (1965), Owner of the Chiva Sun Holistic Healing Centre & SPA and Optilution AG. For over three decades she has been teaching a wide variety of training methods and working holistically with people on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Her commitment to the fitness industry has given rise to the federal profession of fitness instructor and the SFGV (Swiss Fitness and Health Centre Association). As a board member and president of the examination commission, she developed the examinations, led the team of examination experts and trained them. In 1997, under her leadership, the professional examination was federally recognised by today's SERI (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation) after its first implementation. Between 1990 and 2003, her training centre AFA (Academy for Fitness and Aerobics) trained over 1000 instructors in Switzerland.
Email. gghnzptltnch

Keller Yvonne (1965), is the owner and managing director of the med. Rückencenter in Zurich, which has been offering competent health training and therapy since 1993 (www. Yvonne Keller was originally a nurse, managed a fitness centre for seven years, founded BeBo® Health Training - a training concept for the pelvic floor and wrote two specialist books on pelvic floor training ("Entdeckungsreise zur weiblichen Mitte" and "Die versteckte Kraft im Mann"), she has been a Trager therapist since 2015 and a certified Complementary Therapist, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education since 2023. She has been a vegetarian since the age of 30, is the mother of two grown-up children and lives on an alp in the canton of Nidwalden.
Email: yvnnkllrrckncntrcm

Kuoni Jürg Dr. med (1945), Specialist in general medicine for more than 30 years. Additional training in sports, nutrition, stress and chronic medicine. After giving up practice, focussed on preventive medicine. Until he realised that 90% of preventive medicine, like published biomedical research, is a business model. On the one hand, financed by the public and made into good money by a few mega-publishers, who thus also have control that nothing is published outside the mainstream model. On the other hand, financed by the pharmaceutical and apparatus industry in order to maintain the dogma "a pill for every ill". This is why 90% of biomedical publications are a priori rubbish. People tend to take at face value what they hear or see every day, whether voluntarily or involuntarily: fat makes you fat, cholesterol clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks, sport is healthy, losing weight means eating less and exercising more, stress makes you ill. All rubbish, that's why I'm agnostic in every respect. Doctors should be more concerned with maintaining health rather than just treating illness? Just not that! We lack any prerequisite for that!
Email: jknhrtchckch

Mend Matthias (1960, has been exploring the fascinating facets of water for over 30 years. The first point of contact for the trained hearing aid acoustician was the importance of water for human hearing, where it plays a central role in the transmission of sound to the brain. He then focussed on water as an investment good, the aspects of sustainability and environmental protection as well as the central role of water for health, performance and well-being. Following further training in the areas of health, personal development and marketing, he has focussed entirely on the topic of water and the sustainable use of this natural resource since 2008.
Email: mtthsvrtxpwrch

Schupp Daniela (1960), Mother of 3 adult children and grandmother. DOZ certified translator, I,D,E,F, free-lance editor, certified AFAA aerobics instructor, certified Step-Reebok instructor, SWICA diploma Karin Albrecht in stretching, long-time aerobics, step and body toning instructor, formerly responsible for the selection and introduction of new aerobics instructors at CSM Minusio. Figure skating instructor and judge with a background in figure skating and ballet. Today, regular active cardio, strength and stretching training.

Schupp Jean-Pierre (1954), Father of 3 adult children and grandfather. Publisher (until 2017 including FITNESS TRIBUNE), author, religious researcher - his books are about the meaning of life Health expert with a background in martial arts (including 5th dan kick boxing). He is in favour of an active life even in old age. Editor-in-chief and publisher of STARK&VITAL60+ and STRONG & VITAL magazines. He is in favour of a fundamental reform of the healthcare system. He has been strength training since 1968 and was a multiple world champion in the STRENFLEX (Strength, Endurance, Flexibility) fitness decathlon in his age and weight category from 2004 to 2014. He has competed in the MASTERS 100m sprint since 2015. Active in the fitness and preventative health industry since 1979
Email: nfstrngndvtltv

Schweizer Ueli (1952), He has been active in the fields of sports and health sciences, performance diagnostics, lifestyle analyses and consulting for decades. He is a self-employed entrepreneur as an internationally recognised speaker and seminar leader, consultant to well-known companies and trainer instructor. His clients are based in the USA, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. He is also a vocational school teacher in the new profession of "Exercise and Health Promotion". Perform better, tire less, recover faster, live better - that's how you could describe his activities and consultations.
Email: lschwzrblwnch

Woldt Jürgen (1948), Health researcher, managing director of the doit Academy, training manager, father of 5 children. Hobbies include philosophising, golfing and playing the guitar. He is a pioneer of practical movement research and founder of quantum motorics, which deals with myofascial oscillation processes during movement. Various movement concepts have emerged from this, such as neurovital training, sensory training with equipment, or movement according to the five elements and BodySense®. He is the author of books and has published his research findings in various specialist journals. As the owner and training manager of the doit Academy, an educational and research institute for health, he has been researching and teaching since 1982 and is an expert in occupational health management (IHK) in the field of occupational health and safety. Developer of several patents in the field of sensory movement and self-regulation. Inventor of sensory movement, strength and endurance equipment for fitness, prevention and rehabilitation, inventor of the sensory BodySense couch "Sense-Intelligence". Inventor of the BodySenseGesundheitsraums.
Email: JrgnWldtdtkdmd


Promoting health since 1972 with Jean-Pierre L. Schupp
The STRONG & VITAL online magazine is published 4 times a year only on

STRONG and VITAL Ltd., Via S. Gottardo 96, 6648 Minusio
Tel. +41 79 400 33 22, E-Mail: nfstrngndvtlcm

Publisher and (Freelance medical journalist) Editor-in-chief:
Jean-Pierre L. Schupp (1954), abbreviation JPS

Bank details:

Switerland: UBS Locarno, Switzerland, IBAN CH11 0024 6246 1358 7701 F

© 2018-2025 for contributions from

All rights reserved. Copies of texts or reprints only with written authorisation from the publisher.
Place of jurisdiction: registered office of the publisher.
Liability: Articles labelled with the author's name or initials do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial team. No liability is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts and photos. In general, all liability is rejected. By accepting manuscripts and photographic material, the publisher acquires all exclusive rights. Force majeure releases the publisher from the obligation to deliver. Claims for compensation cannot be recognised in such cases.

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More Information:
Jean-Pierre L. Schupp
Publisher for over 45 years,
author and editor-in-chief of various specialised magazines


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